Wednesday, August 20, 2008, 11:22 pm
Fxxxing stupid bitch! So what you have higher qualification than us? So what if you have a promotion? You are ignorant, self-fish, calculative, dirty, unhygienic, irritating, pissing and....
You do not gain respect from other colleagues including your subordinate. Everything also want to compare. How come you do not compare your bust with others. Have you ever consider going for breast implant? Please stop giving that fxxxxing attitude. Yo really piss everybody off. Wake up! Wake up!
If you dare to provoke me again, then do not blame me if i fire you back.
You damn piece of SHIT!

----Fallen Angel----

Sunday, August 17, 2008, 7:29 pm
I have this crazy couple as neighbours for years who live in 4-room flat along corridor. These few years have been rather disturbing for me and my family.
They do not seen to have children as we never heard any voice of kid. Their door and windows are always shut. If there is someone behind them when they about to enter their house, they will either stand still outside their door or they will enter their house with wooden door closed while metal gate is widely open. They will go in fast or will come out and close the metal gate once outside is 'cleared' with enemies.
I ever saw the wife coming back home when she was approached by a handicapped boy asking her to buy something. She avoided him as though he is infectious. What the fxxx. She simply got no brain. How will the boy feel? How i wish you go and die. It's a shame for you to live.
The husband will 'come out' once a year in lunar seventh month. He will mumble and scolds loudly inside from his house. Whoever is lucky, will get a chance to see him walking up and down without his top and staring at you as though you kill his parents. He will fxxx you upside down if you are lucky enough. Vulgar language, cursing you by all means.

----Fallen Angel----