New York New York on 12.03.2008
Monday, March 17, 2008, 10:37 pm
Its been 8 months since Jamie, Nicole and i last met after we finished our HR course. Tonight finally had a chance to have our dinner together at New York New York @ City Link branch. After dinner then loitered around by taking pictures.

----Fallen Angel----

Sunday, March 16, 2008, 1:44 am
刚和一位朋友通完电话。他问我是否有知己。我马上愣了一下。什么是知己? 知己和好朋友有分别吗?

----Fallen Angel----

Friday, March 07, 2008, 11:08 pm
Today was rather piss with one of my colleague. She likes to ask a lot of questions without checking on her part, simply want people to help her do her works. I being to dislike her more & more. I hate her more whenever she spit phlegm into her waste paper basket without using tissue paper. She is really damn unhygienic. I sit near her and everytime she does this action, i immediately cover my mug. Whenever she makes that sound, i feel like vomiting. A few of my colleagues also cannot stand her.

----Fallen Angel----

Good Person
Thursday, March 06, 2008, 11:30 pm
It is alway good to be remember by someone. This afternoon i was liasing with my JB's colleague, Po and she asked if i can remember this particular person. Of course i can still remember. He was my former colleague from production dept. This former colleague is now working in our JB's factory. He told Po that i was beautiful when Po asked him what kind of person i am. Beautiful? I'm sure a lot of people want to vomit after hearing that. But this is not my concern cos i know my own 'standard'. He is too kind hearted. He told Po i am a good person. But am i?
What is the definition of a good person? Kind-hearted? Soft-hearted? No matter what it is, i really hope i can be a good person for the rest of my life. Difference between good and bad is only 一线之差. You can easily turn into a bad person when you are not careful.

----Fallen Angel----

Sunday, March 02, 2008, 3:29 pm

----Fallen Angel----