Tuesday, June 26, 2007, 10:05 pm
Have not been sleeping well these days, really feel so tired n stressful. I'm a typical 'virgo' n want to do everythings perfectly. I know i give myself too much stress but i just can't help it.
Our company will be shifting in sept 07 to a bigger factory so that different depts can be under one roof n of course this helps to save a lot of $$$. These few days been busy with liaising with different government sectors and contractor on shifting factory issue. Also have to liaise with consultant n auditor on grant funding issue, n searching up & down for supporting documents. Also busy with month end payroll as my company does not have payroll system n everything got to do manually using excel format. Got to check carefully which staff got loan, deposit or any deduction in order to compute their salary. Also got to prepare the salary breakdown list of all staff n have to make sure the total paid salary tally with those taking salary thru cash or giro. Got to arrange foreign workers go for medical check up n for typhoid. The arranged date has to change once n once again to fix the workers' schedules. Really so frustrated but can't help it. Work is more important. Standing in HR view, i have to be more understanding.
HRM2 exam is coming. Even though i been so called revising every nite but the notes just couldn't get into my brain. Taking up HR course is a big challenging to me as i know my pattern is not that type who can study. Even how hard i revise also make no difference. Better forget abt taking diploma in Business & HRM, seems like 不自量力.

----Fallen Angel----

My Blog
Sunday, June 24, 2007, 10:53 pm
Yeh, i finally have my own blog liao!
My friend, Jamie is an expert in creating blog n she had helped her friends on tat. I got her to help me create one as i reali dun know anything. Tis is how 'mountain tortoise' i am.
I got to know Jamie n Nicole from HR course on CHRM. Forgotten which lecturer asked our class to pick our own group members for project purpose. I am a 被动的人 n of course wanted to wait for ppl to approach me first mah. Wait a while liao, i thought its better to search my own. I looked around den saw Jamie n Nicole. My first thought was they r kind n friendly 'creatures' so i approached them. Well, i am lucky! I made a gd choice.
We r like 志同道合, can talk abt makan n diet n at times gossiping. Talking to them is reali comfortable. Too bad we r finishing e HR course, reali hope we can still stay contact n meet often. I do cherish this friendship very much as friends like them r hard to get nowadays.

----Fallen Angel----