Again the story of Stupid Bitch
Monday, September 28, 2009, 11:12 pm
Its been quite some time since i last updated my blog.
Because of the bloody hell, ignorant stupid dirty disgusting bitch therefore i need to voice out my frustration.
The contract staff told me today that bitch ever told her that because of her 'wise' decision therefore this contract staff is being picked out of so many candidates. Oh please! When i forwarded her the resume of contract staff, she immediate said her qualification is not good enough and her expected salary is too high. This is always her usual attitude. She is really damn an inferior creature who always jealous of those who is more capable than her. From what i surveyed, her requested salary is reasonable. Her more than 10 years working experience is definitely much more better than that bitch when she first joined.
The truth is when i got her response on this candidate, i immediately wrote email to my two bosses. Of course i need to voice out my 'professional view' to them. I was so contented when they approved to recruit this contract staff. At least they respect my decision.
No matter how she 'poisons' me, i just can't be bother. All along i have been tolerating with her stupid nonsense but i just couldn't control myself today. Most office staff have also been tolerating her but since she is the 'apple' so everybody LL. But deep inside she is a damn rotten apple with disgusting worms. To me, boss who likes staff to curry favour him/her might as well drops dead. Really damn superficial.
This bitch ever mentioned that due to her religion, she could not lie. Come on! She could even lie with her irritating eyes open. Her god soon or later will push her into the hell. Her tongue should be cut so that she could not lie. Her mouth should be sewed so that she can stop her digusting spitting habit. Her eyes should be dug out so that they do not turn into 'red eyes' easily. Her nose and hands should be cut so that she could not dig nose infront of us. Her black heart definitely has to be dug out as well. Her heart has been spoilt since the day she came into this world. Till now, so many kind souls and passers-by have been harmed by her. She really an archery expert. She never miss her targets.
I still do not understand why she could still do so many evil things when she is carrying 'a ball'. Doesn't she knows what is retribution?

----Fallen Angel----

Stupid Fxxxing Bitch
Wednesday, January 07, 2009, 11:14 pm
I am again pissed by that stupid fxxxing selfish bitch, W. These three days had been enduring her nonsense.
As company has been 'improved' from a family running business to a corporate one, management staffs have been trained to handle projects like what other big companies are doing. Beside the project of our dinner & dance in Dec 08, i was put in charge of handling another for Chinese New Year celebration at my boss's house.
As we have a shortage of manpower, i had no choice but to get that W in for my two projects. Reason for her in the first project is because the thought of ' Why are you not working when we are?' During committe meeting, she did not give suggestions and still have the face telling me she does not know anything on these area. She even asked me to get other colleague to join instead of her. Shit you! Bitch. We are not born knowing all things. We have to learn. This was also the first time we having our dinner & dance formally done. All of us are learning. At least please made an effort, ok! I even got complaint from another committee member that she was not doing her part on the event day. Because of her, i was ordered by our consultant, R to have her included in my second project. He wants to see me controlling her in form of a training to me. Shit! My life really damn miserable. With her around, my world is colourless.
Send an invitation to few colleagues for the second project and got reply from W. She replied that she could not join the project as she needs to attend the service at church on Sunday. She is also damn fxxxing busy dealing with questions from auditor, B which caused her no time for her 'own' work. She feels pressure. My email clearly stated that CNY celebration falls on one of the Sundays, and committee meeting was to be held the next day after my email. She is really full of rubbish. I immediate replied her and cc to our immediate reporting superior, D. I wanted him to see how she 'works'. My email wrote asking what time is her service on Sunday and if it is ok for her to excuse one day or make adjustment on timing so that she will not miss the celebration. Also wrote to her in a sarcastic manner that she is not the only one busy. All the committee members have their own projects and works to handle. We are as busy as she is. We are also under lots of pressure. Lastly wrote, her excuse is not acceptable. My thinking is even she is not able to join CNY celebration, she could still play a part in this project. Bloody hell lame stupid excuse. She replied me she has to attend the service from what time to what time, and also some talks after the service. She emphasis that she could not tell lie as she is Christian. I did not reply her. I really do not know how to. D msn me not to reply her and he would do so. I told him i surrender. He just 'haha'. He written her an email cc me explaining whatever stories to her. She did not reply. Sometimes later, i overheard that he wanted to have a meeting at 3pm with that dept which also involve W. I told him that our CNY project meeting is at the same time. He then arranged the next day for their meeting just to fit my schedule as time is running out for this project. I heard him telling W their changing schedule and she even replied him. I reminded all committee members for meeting at 3pm as time was near. That W even answer me. 2mins later she came to me saying she could not join as she damn fxxxing busy. I simply did not wish to talk to her so asked her to check with D. Even though D knows that R insists wanting her in the CNY project but he also LL. In the end, she was excused. Fxxx! There is no justice! Unfair!
B called her yesterday for some documents which are kept with me. She told him she does not have the details. She just pushed B to me without mentioning to me. B told me that she has been pushing him away a few times with her stupid lame excuses on their issues. I told him to email me the details. B said he would cc to W asking her to assist me. He himself even suggested that he would cc to D as well so W could 'willingly' help out. But due to my heavy work load, i really could not spare the time. Some of the documents are consider antique which need times to search. No one can ever feel the 'fierce' of handling two depts - HR and admin. Projects, companies policies re-organised, handling letters correspondence, liaise with government sectors, maintenance, filing, this and that ......... I do not have an assistant and still have to 'wrap mountain wrap sea'. Soon or later, i either will jump down from mountain or get drown in sea. Nearly off work time, that idiot W asked if i could pass her the documents. Fxxx. Her eyes blind or what? I shoot her back saying i was not able to do so. I would try to give her as i am also very busy. I use back her famous phrase ' i am very busy' to let her have a taste of her own medicine.
This afternoon, B called again. He told me that W told him that i did not wish to pass her the documents. I felt the flame burning inside me. I told him to give me times and i would get it done. I immediately sent email to that fxxxing W and cc to B and D. I wrote to her in a very very sarcastic manner.
Dear xxx,
Sorry to keep you waiting due to my heavy work loads that require immediate attention.
Could you please kindly tell me what documents you enquire? I might not know what you want. I also do not wish to trouble you again as i know you are a busy person.
Appreciate if you can help.
A big thank to you.
Then she replied me a few documents to be enquired, asking me to feel free go to her for clarification. My heart thought for fxxx? I prefer to call B. The more i hear her voice, the more i feel like digusting. Indeed, what B wanted are a bit different from her email. Luckily, i am not that stupid to go to her. I finally sorted out the documents B wanted and sent to him without touching our company's busiest person, W. She is busy so i just do the job. Anyway i am just like a general worker. I just want the job done. Case closed.
I like to tell that fxxxing W:
'Fxxxing W! You better go to hell! Soon or later, your god will bring you, not to your home at heaven, but to HELL! Please do not lie with your eyes open. Your god is watching you. He knows how a person you are. Fxxxing selfish, dirty, arrogant thick skin stupid idiot bitch.
Little profiles of fxxxing bitch: -
Name : Fxxxing assholeAge : 35 - 40
Birthday : The day she was borne
Nationality : Singaporean
Country of Birth : Cxxxx
Hobbies:Complaining, gossiping, comparing, creating 'storms', taichi - pushing things away,
Like: Asking for more salary (think company cannot live without her), spitting, confidential revealing, stabbing, lies
Dislike : Wash sock. Office can feel her nice 'smell'
Famous phrase : I am very busy
Favourite food : Salt and vinegar. For her gossiping and complaining
'Good points' : Sociable. Only to bosses and those she can make use of
: Sweet. For flattering purpose, just to bosses and those with higher post
: Popular. Well known by colleagues as VIP (very irritating people)
Others: Stomach can use as storage area. Only for salt and vinegar

----Fallen Angel----

Wednesday, October 01, 2008, 7:14 pm

----Fallen Angel----

Wednesday, August 20, 2008, 11:22 pm
Fxxxing stupid bitch! So what you have higher qualification than us? So what if you have a promotion? You are ignorant, self-fish, calculative, dirty, unhygienic, irritating, pissing and....
You do not gain respect from other colleagues including your subordinate. Everything also want to compare. How come you do not compare your bust with others. Have you ever consider going for breast implant? Please stop giving that fxxxxing attitude. Yo really piss everybody off. Wake up! Wake up!
If you dare to provoke me again, then do not blame me if i fire you back.
You damn piece of SHIT!

----Fallen Angel----

Sunday, August 17, 2008, 7:29 pm
I have this crazy couple as neighbours for years who live in 4-room flat along corridor. These few years have been rather disturbing for me and my family.
They do not seen to have children as we never heard any voice of kid. Their door and windows are always shut. If there is someone behind them when they about to enter their house, they will either stand still outside their door or they will enter their house with wooden door closed while metal gate is widely open. They will go in fast or will come out and close the metal gate once outside is 'cleared' with enemies.
I ever saw the wife coming back home when she was approached by a handicapped boy asking her to buy something. She avoided him as though he is infectious. What the fxxx. She simply got no brain. How will the boy feel? How i wish you go and die. It's a shame for you to live.
The husband will 'come out' once a year in lunar seventh month. He will mumble and scolds loudly inside from his house. Whoever is lucky, will get a chance to see him walking up and down without his top and staring at you as though you kill his parents. He will fxxx you upside down if you are lucky enough. Vulgar language, cursing you by all means.

----Fallen Angel----

Friday, July 25, 2008, 10:07 pm
New version of 'Song' sisters - Idiot sisters, who work in same company.
Eldest sister is a tomboy who always talks loudly with her big movements. She thinks she works long enough and behaves like a 'big sister'. She loves to criticize sarcastically and scolds people as though they are born without parents. What else does she knows? Oh ya, she knows how to do packing. With her fxxxxxx attitude and low qualification, sorry to say that she could not work for others in this cruel world. She is just damn lucky to have her relative offering her this simple job. So please, please, please wake up. Learn how to appreciate and respect for others. You should also be thankful to your god. If you 不爽, then please ask your husband to do something. Do not vent your anger and frustration on your colleagues. Remember, you are NOTHING!
Elder sister loves to pick bone in egg, always making big fuss over small minor things. She likes scolding and making life miserable for people she dislikes. Her mood swings so easily that no one can predict whether it will continue to rain or shine. She is fast, sharp and always preparing to prey. Even though she's from management level, but sad to say she does not gain respect from her workers. She likes her HR to do stupid dirty jobs for her, even for her own stupid personal issues. Please learn to handle small minor things on your own. Please show kindness and compassionate to your workers. Nobody wants to get kanna fxxx by you for nothing. No matter how hard and sincere you pray to gods, they will not be able to lessen your sins.
Youngest sister is the most serious nutcase. She is well known as a rotten good actress as she really love acting, and she really act well. She appears to be good to you and yet she can criticize behind you. She also loves to exercise her mouth by gossiping and scolding, that explains why people can hear her scoldings every day. Wonder if her mouth will get muted if she does not scold. She enjoys talking without getting help from her brain - talk without brain. She really like to talk cxxx and hopes people will entertain her. For goodness sake, you think everyone is so free like you. She loves stabbing, together with the formidable strength from her two sisters, one could get killed instantly. She thinks she is capable as for being long with the company for years. Like her eldest sister, she is also lucky to being employed by her relative. Fxxxxxx attitude with no qualification. Please learn how to forgive and forget. Learn how to appreciate and be gracious. Learn to be kind and compassionate. Always remember to thank your gods for letting you live longer than expected.
These three are the most frightening creatures in this world. With their formidable power, that is no way to escape death from them. Prepare for your funeral if you kanna caught 'gotcha' by them.

----Fallen Angel----

New York New York on 12.03.2008
Monday, March 17, 2008, 10:37 pm
Its been 8 months since Jamie, Nicole and i last met after we finished our HR course. Tonight finally had a chance to have our dinner together at New York New York @ City Link branch. After dinner then loitered around by taking pictures.

----Fallen Angel----

Sunday, March 16, 2008, 1:44 am
刚和一位朋友通完电话。他问我是否有知己。我马上愣了一下。什么是知己? 知己和好朋友有分别吗?

----Fallen Angel----

Friday, March 07, 2008, 11:08 pm
Today was rather piss with one of my colleague. She likes to ask a lot of questions without checking on her part, simply want people to help her do her works. I being to dislike her more & more. I hate her more whenever she spit phlegm into her waste paper basket without using tissue paper. She is really damn unhygienic. I sit near her and everytime she does this action, i immediately cover my mug. Whenever she makes that sound, i feel like vomiting. A few of my colleagues also cannot stand her.

----Fallen Angel----

Good Person
Thursday, March 06, 2008, 11:30 pm
It is alway good to be remember by someone. This afternoon i was liasing with my JB's colleague, Po and she asked if i can remember this particular person. Of course i can still remember. He was my former colleague from production dept. This former colleague is now working in our JB's factory. He told Po that i was beautiful when Po asked him what kind of person i am. Beautiful? I'm sure a lot of people want to vomit after hearing that. But this is not my concern cos i know my own 'standard'. He is too kind hearted. He told Po i am a good person. But am i?
What is the definition of a good person? Kind-hearted? Soft-hearted? No matter what it is, i really hope i can be a good person for the rest of my life. Difference between good and bad is only 一线之差. You can easily turn into a bad person when you are not careful.

----Fallen Angel----

Sunday, March 02, 2008, 3:29 pm

----Fallen Angel----

Wednesday, February 13, 2008, 9:34 pm
今年虽然是鼠年,我想老天也不会对我如此厚爱,让我从昨天开工就碰我的克星,老鼠。每当在电视上看到克星的画面, 我总是逃之夭夭。即使有人提到克星,我全身都会发毛。看到它们是否代表我要走好运?如果能中些马票,大彩,TOTO 有多好。如果象征我要走霉运,那就请神明救救小女子吧。
每当办公室里的职员需要上厕所,就得到隔两间的货仓(也属公司之一)。 昨天早上上完厕所后,正要踏出厕所的总门时,看到地上有东西。看似像一块白布,因为想看得更清楚,上前看个仔细。妈呀!救命呀!是只白色克星。我马上倒退几步,脚开始发软,心跳的很厉害,好像快要停止。它没有动,想必是死了吧。一位同事走进来上厕所,我告诉他这件事,他却叫我当作没看到,勇敢的走出去。我尝试这样做,来来去去,反反复复,始终没有勇气踏出这一步。同事在上完厕所后,见我还在原地,他便示范给我看如何跳出厕所总门。鸡蛋糕!他竟然"抛弃"我。持续了五分钟,我催眠自己,不能这样下去,万一它复活,我无路可退。神呀,请赐我力量。我用手遮盖它的位置,终于跳了总门。当我回到公司后,马上告诉另一个同事。她便叫货仓助手去清理。我心理已留下这个阴影。
今天早上带着不安的心到厕所。仔细看完四周的地方, 确保‘安全’后,放心的上厕所,在走出总门时, 妈妈呀,有只灰色的克星死在一个小角落。 要是没注意,是没有人会留意的。我全身已发软。我赶快跳出去。我告诉货仓助手,叫他去清理。
我开始不敢多喝水,尽量减少上厕所的次数。 总觉得老天在开我的玩笑,为什么我总是第一看到克星?每天进进出出的人这么多,难道没人看到吗?莫非老天在暗示我该转行了?

----Fallen Angel----

Am I Dying?
Wednesday, February 06, 2008, 9:52 am
I had a really bad dream a few days ago. I forgot what was the story about but i cried liked hell. I was awoke up by this dream and i found myself in tears. Really in tears.
I had a bad dream again yesterday night. I dreamt i was put on black magic by don't know which idiot, and i was going to die soon. I seeked a lot of 大师 but no used. Then one day when i was having arguement with one guy and we had some "肢体语言" with each other. Our souls swopped. I was really happy as i thought i'm not going to die. I seeked one 大师 again but she told me i still left with 3 days. Then i forgotten the rest of the dream.
Is this a sign? I started to feel scare. What am i going to do if i really going to die? Maybe it's time for me to go for full body check up again as my last one was done about 3 years ago.

----Fallen Angel----

Saturday, January 26, 2008, 1:35 pm
I need to vent my frustration before i do something foolish.
I really hate and piss with people who like to claim credits when things are not done by them. I am always the one doing the 幕后工作 but who is the one to claims all these credits? I hate you most when you are doing so obvious that you are claiming my credits. In the other hand, i am also very impressed that you do not feel shame by your behaviour.
I hope bad things will happen to you. I know i am evil and bad but i am forced by circumstances.
I give myself one more year to tolerate your nonsense.

----Fallen Angel----

Sunday, January 20, 2008, 11:48 pm
Yesterday went shopping at Vivo. Bought a watch from casio, some clothings from Nichii Fashion City and some products from Sa Sa Cosmetic to cure my incurable face.

----Fallen Angel----

Thursday, January 17, 2008, 11:55 pm
Went to Bugis with Ying after work today. Managed to buy myself 2 tops and 2 demin skirts from Bugis Village.
$10 each

----Fallen Angel----

Dark Circles & Fine Lines
Monday, January 14, 2008, 10:56 pm
My dark circles are getting darker and my fine lines are also getting more obvious.
These two problems had been disturbing me for years. Its time for me to do something about it. I did some research from website and came to know a few causes of dark circles and fine lines.
- rubbing eyes can cause the skin to darken.
- Not enough drinking water. drink 6-10 glasses of water. Avoid coffee, alcohol or excessive amounts of salt and sodium intake.
- sensitive nose
- Not enough sleep
- rubbing of eyes too much will cause wrinkles/fine lines
I do have a very sensitive nose. I always like to rub my eyes whenever they are itchy. I always sleep late even though i have to get up at 6.45am next morning to work.
But what can i do? I saw some comments from internet on certain products which can cure dark circles. Somehow they are very expensive.
Last Saturday went to pharmacy and bought a bi-white advanced anti-dark circles whitening from vichy laboratories. I was told me this product is recommended by doctor and the effect is very good. It is only 15ml and cost $52.20 after promotion discount. I without thinking bought one. Not only that, i have to try to sleep early. Less coffee for me. Try to control my stupid hands from rubbing my eyes.
As listed in the packaging, there should be a improvement after 4 weeks of usage. Looking forward to that day.

----Fallen Angel----

Dirty Old Man (老猪哥)
Saturday, January 05, 2008, 10:16 pm
I HATE dirty old men. I mean 老猪哥 and not those smelly dirty type of old men.
I made a special trip down to SHRI this afternoon to collect my Certificate in Human Resource Management. I supposed to receive this cert on 24.11.07 from graduation ceremony but i was on holiday in Japan.
When i was on bus 980, i saw this damn dirty old man in 50s with unshaven moustache and beard. He got a big mole slightly smaller than a one cent coin on his right face near his ear. His white t-shirt is badly faded. He boarded the bus and sat next to a girl sitting in front of me. There were other seats available and yet he chose to sit with that girl. He caught my attention when he turned his stupid idiot head to his right a lot of time. He been staring at this girl, from top to bottom and then turned back his head to the front again.This action had been done countlessly. He really piss me off. I supposed he noticed that i been watching him and that's why he turned his damn head back to look at me a few times. I returned him with fiery stare. Even when that girl got off the bus, he still stare at her from the bus. Finally, i could have a good rest especially my eye after long 'supervision' when the girl left. Then a girl came and sat next to him. Again, he done that.
I wonder if there is something wrong with his mind or what. He kept staring at them even though they wore uniform and t-shirt. What does he gain from staring? Why don't he go back and stare at his daughter instead?
I think girl is a sensitive and alert creature. I wonder if these two girls were aware of this idiot. If they do, why were they not pissed by his rude behaviour? You know someone staring at you and yet you acted like nothing had happened.
Girls who read this blog and need to travel by SMRT bus 980, please get away from his dirty old man if you ever spot him. His look will simply tell you he is 老猪哥.

----Fallen Angel----

Tuesday, January 01, 2008, 12:18 am
Wish all living things & creatures on this earth a happy new year.
Today was damn tired & no mood to go for new year celebration with my colleagues, Alan and also other friends. Times passes so fast. I can still remember we celebrated new year with a few of our closer colleagues last year in a so called 'pub'
Perhaps you have asked yourselves what the hell had you been doing these one year? So what do you have in mind? Are you going to slack as before? Should you change? Of course final decision lies with you.
I definitely choose to change for the better.
Unhappy memories
New hair style
New spectacle
Love myself more

----Fallen Angel----

Saturday, December 29, 2007, 11:31 am
I do not know what i have done to deserve all these mental sufferings. Was i a murder in my previous life which cause me to have a fucking damn life now?
When i done something good, all of u just shut your damn mouth up. Once i done something bad, all of u will fuck me like hell. Am i so wrong? I may have done abit wrong but did u guys use your stupid brains and think. U think u are right? U guys only know how to use your stupid mouth to criticise me. Please use mirror and do your own reflections.What have u guys see? There are devils living inside u. So evil that u guys do not realise u are wrong.
Please do not think i admit defeat when i remain silent from your mean accusations. I just do not wish to carry on arguing with u guys. No matter how hard i defend myself, u guys are always 'RIGHT'.

----Fallen Angel----

X'mas Day
Wednesday, December 26, 2007, 12:21 am
I met my friend, Ying at 2.15pm to go partyworld @ woodlands civic centre. When we reached there, we were told by counter staff that all rooms were fully booked . The earliest time available would be 5pm but we could only sing up to 8pm only. 3hrs? Of course not worth it. I wanted those with 4hrs for promotion rate. I blamed myself. How can i forgot to book the room in advance cos its PH today. So i called the branch @ safra yishun. Luckily there was room available so i booked one at 3.3opm as Ying & i needed to go makan first. After our late lunch then we took a cab from yishun mrt station to safra. We were given a room with nice 'seaview'. It was so bright & atmosphere or whatever was not right lor. We left partyworld after 4hrs to causeway point again to have our dinner & shopping. It was 10.15pm when i reached home. Tired liao.
My lunch
Nice 'seaview' from karaoke room
Ying behind me
Our dinner
My buying

----Fallen Angel----

Saturday, December 22, 2007, 4:54 pm

----Fallen Angel----

Mashi Maro
Thursday, December 20, 2007, 9:47 pm
These few days been tidying up my messy room. Happen to see these 8 mashi maros still laying in my cupboard after a few years. It was silly of me cos they could only be bought when you purchased McDonald meal. Imagine i had to eat 8 times to own them.
Now i was too 'old' to have them so i gave them up to those needy children.

----Fallen Angel----

Saturday, December 15, 2007, 9:50 pm
Yesterday my boss treated us lunch at 燕青私房菜. Walls, tablecloths, eating utensils, oldies CD sing by China singer really make you feel like as though you are in China. All the dishes were unique and we all give good comments on the dishes.
We had the following:-
* Cold dish:
1) drunken sliced chicken (if i'm not mistaken)
2) sliced preserved cucumber (spicy n abit sour, very gd comments)
3) sliced lotus with holes stuffed with gluntious rice & wth gui hua sauce (sweet & abit taste funny)
* Main dish:
4) fried pomfret with chopped seaweed at bottom and come with sauce (fish fried till very cispy & bones can be eaten. Sauce had been absorbed into the fish. (gd) 5) spicy spare ribs with china dried chilli. Chilli can be eaten & not too hot. (So So)
6) individual small pot of chopped spinach soup with small bits of 'yellow fish (gd)
7) fried rice with small bits of smoked fish. (yummy)
8) xia bing xie jiang (japan dongfen at last layer in a pot, 2nd layer with prawns, top layer with red hot crab. Gravy very sweet cos of the seafood. Gravy absorbed into dongfen & make it tasty. (Very gd comment if you like sweet stuff)
9) hou tou gu (one kind of mushroom) cooked with watever & sauce den served with deep fried rice cracker at bottom Very tasty when still hot & eat it 'fresh'. Do not wait till rice cracker turn soft. (Not bad comment)
* Dessert:
10) glutinous rice ball with bit of mango cream n whipped cream. Thin skin but cream abit too 'greasy' (Comment So So)
11) sliced red watermelon
12) tianjin sliced chestnut with ??? Not so sweetening (special)
My conclusion:
This restaurant is worth a try. Prices at a higher side.

----Fallen Angel----

Eastern Rice Dumpling
, 8:53 pm
I'm not going to buy rice dumplings from Eastern Rice Dumpling anymore. I ever bought a few nonya rice dumplings from them once and all were sticky. The storekeeper at that time even asked me if i wanted hot or cold ones. I chose hot ones cos i could have it once i reached home. Shit, the rice dumplings were sticky n got abit smell. All were spoilt. How unlucky i was.
Got an urge of eating rice dumpling two days ago. I knew there was a store at Sun Plaza basement 1 but do not know what the name of that store. Aiyo, it was Eastern Rice Dumpling again. I bought two out of no choice but to satisfy my greedy urge. Again the storekeeper asked me if i wanted hot or cold ones. I prayed hard inside me that this time should be Ok. History repeated again. What to do? First thought in my mind was to throw away.
What's the point of storekeeper asking if want hot or cold rice dumplings? Who knows if your hot ones had been laying in the steamer for days.

----Fallen Angel----

Friday, December 07, 2007, 11:58 pm

----Fallen Angel----

Japan 23.11.2007 - 29.11.2007
Sunday, December 02, 2007, 9:11 pm
Went for a 7D5N holiday trip to Japan with my youngest sis from 23.11.2007 to 29.11.2007
1st day:
My youngest sis & i reached Changi Airport T2 at 9.55pm and was 10mins late for check-in. I could not find our tour leader, Richard at row 6 and therefore gave him a call. I only managed to find him after calling him twice. He did not have any flag or big cardboard to show his agency name. He held a miserable A4 paper with his agency name on but it was not clearly written. I asked Richard to help us requested 2 beside seats as i knew we might sit separately due to late check-in. He told me not possible as the plane was very packed. Alright, we got to blame ourselves for being late. My sis was given seat at centre row of 4 and for me was left row of 3 but we still at same row. However, there was a couple in our group who came later to do check-in but they were given 2 beside seats. What was this? Its not fair. From what i observed Richard during our group check-in, i straight away shoke my head. He seem not knowing what he should do. My impression for him is very very damn bad.
2nd day:
At 12.10am, the plane flew. At 1am plus, we were served with sandwiches. I fell alseep after watching 881 on board after a hard day work. At 4.30am, we were served with breakfast. This is the earliest breakfast i ever had in my life and i could hardly eat. At 6.30am (Japan 7.30am), we finally reach Narita Airport at Japan.
About 9.45am (Japan time) after all group members gathered, we went to Tokyo Disneyland. The carpark was very very big, a few times bigger than a soccer field. Our tour guide, Henry decided that we would go back next day early morning so we left for Shin Yokohama Ramen Museum instead. When we reach there at 11.30am, we were given an entrance ticket from Henry. We also received 1000yen each from him to buy our lunch inside museum. This museum has a kind of old Japanese taste with old signboards. Its actually turn out to be smaller than what i saw from a television programme. There were a few ramen houses with their own ramen vending machines outside. We finally choose one ramen house and bought tickets from vending machine and continued with the queue. We gave the tickets to the shop assistant when its our turn. The ramen was Q in texture but somehow the broth has a bit strong smell which i disliked. We left at 1pm to Factory Outlet Shopping. There was a fair outside shopping centre selling foods and handicrafts. There was this booth selling siew mai, pancakes. After we tried the samples, we could not resist on buying. Seafood pancakes were crispy with generous fillings and siew mai were very tasty as you could really feel the chopped big prawns in it. My sis & i bought 1 pkt steamed siew mai (8pcs) and 1 pkt pan-fried seafood pancakes (5pcs) at 1000yen per pkt. The booth assistant gave us 2 more pan fried seafood pancakes and 2 more fried dumplings. We immediate ate the siew mai. Hmmm....We sent to Yokohama Chinatown after that. The streets were full of people. There are lots of restaurants and shops selling foods. Steamed dumplings (bao) , tianjin chestnuts etc. We were so tempted but too yet full to try other delicacies.
It was already 4.30pm we reached Asakusa Kannon Buddhist Temple. The temple is big and crowded with people. There are two rows of shops selling sourvenior and food. We left the temple an hour later and the sky was already dark. We reached the restaurant for dinner near tokyo tower at 6pm. We were asked to gather at 7pm to visit toyko tower after our dinner. My sis & i left earlier during dinner time and we went to stroll around the shops nearby . It was only 7pm when both of us went back to the meeting point. No one was there . Even the Henry and Richard were not there. Both of us were panic and search around if can spot familiar face. I decided to go back to our tour bus to see if someone was there. To our surprise, all of them were on bus and even the stupid Richard was there. He did not seem to bother to find 'missing' tour member. We left to our hotel after that. I did not know why we did not go tokyo tower as told earlier by Henry. Really disappointed. Finally we reached hotel at 7.45pm and busy with our stuff. Finally got to eat the seafood pancakes and i was very angry that the booth assistant cheated us. There was only egg, vermiecilli, carrot and some vegetable in this so called seafood pancakes. Too tired and slept at 11pm as it was really a long day for me for not enough sleep.

Shin Yokohama Ramen Museum
Very delicious but also expensive , SGD 13.25
Cheated on Stupid Seafood Pancakes
Yokohama Chinatown

Asakusa Kannon Buddhist Temple
3nd day: We had buffet breakfast at hotel at 7am. The waiters were all so polite. One waiter even agree to help us to refill water into our own water bottles. We left hotel at 8am to disneyland and there was still so many people. Disneyland is very very big. There are lots of disney characters eg. winnie the pooh, mickey mouse, donald duck etc. There were lots of people queueing up just to take pictures with disney characters. . My first impression is foods and things in disneyland are very expensive. We had maple swirl which is about SGD2.70 each & i later bought a spicy chicken wrap sandwich at SGD5.50 when waiting to watch parade. Toilets are very clean n there are even plastic toilet seat covers which can be flushed down after used. We left disneyland at 4.15pm back to our hotel. We reach hotel at 7pm and had our dinner. We also had sashimi which both of us do not eat raw so i put it in my soup to cook. The taste not bad. We returned to our hotel room at 8.15pm and rest.
4th day:
We headed to Iyashi no Sato Nenba after our breakfast. This was once the village with gorgeous thatched roofs and an ancient village of traditional artworks of old buildings in Japan. We then left for Mt Fuji after taking some pictues. It was extremly cold on Mt Fuji. We were lucky to take pictures of mt fuji covered with snow from other angle when we left. We had our lunch in tatami japanese style. The dishes were so so. We went to Owakudani Boiling Valley after an hour lunch. We did not go up to the shops selling black egg cos no time. We just loiter a while. I had wasabi ice-cream at 350yen & wasabi is very mild, still can be acceptable. We left at 4pm and reached Jusco for dinner. We were all given 1200yen to buy our own dinner. My sis and i chose to have our dinner at one japanese restaurant (luckily that stupid Richard was there to assist us in communicating with the waitress). I thought our dinner was great. The dishes were delicious. There was no service charge and no additional charge for rice refilled. We bought some puff from beard papa before we went back to hotel.

5th day:
We had buffet breakfast at 6.50am n left at 7.45am to Kyoto. After 4hrs 15mins, we finally reached Kyoto. We had only half hour lunch at one small restuarant at 12pm. We left for Heian Shrine at 12.30pm. The leaves all turn into red color at this period cos it was autumn. We left at 1.30pm. We reached Kiyomizu Temple at 2pm and left at 2.45pm. We went for a 15mins kimono show at Nishijin Textile Center. We took a bullet train at 4.45pm and reached osaka in abt 15mins time (one stop only). We reached Shinsaibashi Botonbori at 6.15pm. There are lots ofstores and also full of people. My sis n i Q up at a 章鱼烧 store and we waited until 7.30pm before we had our order. We supposed to gather with other group members at 7.30pm and both is us ran like mad people to reach the gathered place which is about 10mins away. Luckily the tour leader was still behind us n the tour bus was not there yet. The was kind of gd n very crispy. We reached a chinese restuarant at 8.15pm and reach hotel at abt 9.10pm.

6th day: Left hotel at 8am and reached Osaka castle at 8.30am. We only had an hour to loiter and left there at 8.30am. We reached 'Black Gate' Seafood Market at 9.55am and would leave there at 10.30am. This market is like our wet market with provision shops, supermarkets. A lot of sashimi n fresh seafood can be seen. Blowfish, oyster, lobster etc. My sis n i bought our lunch there and brought to universal studio. We finally reach universal studio at 11am. It is much more smaller than disneyland. We went for Spideman Ride, Jaws Ride, Jurassic park ride, Hollywood dream ride. There was a show at waterworld and this is so amazing. Plane, bomb, fire involved. We left at 6pm. We had buffet BBQ at 7.30pm. There was no oil provided n our food was like burnt. We left an hour later n reach hotel at 9pm.
7th day:
We walked to the airport at 8am cos it is only a 10mins walk from hotel as there is a linkway. We check in shortly n had to take a short train to row 40 for our plane. We do a very last min shopping at airport. It is 11.10am when plane to Spore flew. We had lunch on board. It was about 4.50pm when we reached Spore airport.

It was already 4.30pm we reached Asakusa Kannon Buddhist Temple. The temple is big and crowded with people. There are two rows of shops selling sourvenior and food. We left the temple an hour later and the sky was already dark. We reached the restaurant for dinner near tokyo tower at 6pm. We were asked to gather at 7pm to visit toyko tower after our dinner. My sis & i left earlier during dinner time and we went to stroll around the shops nearby . It was only 7pm when both of us went back to the meeting point. No one was there . Even the Henry and Richard were not there. Both of us were panic and search around if can spot familiar face. I decided to go back to our tour bus to see if someone was there. To our surprise, all of them were on bus and even the stupid Richard was there. He did not seem to bother to find 'missing' tour member. We left to our hotel after that. I did not know why we did not go tokyo tower as told earlier by Henry. Really disappointed. Finally we reached hotel at 7.45pm and busy with our stuff. Finally got to eat the seafood pancakes and i was very angry that the booth assistant cheated us. There was only egg, vermiecilli, carrot and some vegetable in this so called seafood pancakes. Too tired and slept at 11pm as it was really a long day for me for not enough sleep.
Shin Yokohama Ramen Museum
Very delicious but also expensive , SGD 13.25
Cheated on Stupid Seafood Pancakes
Yokohama Chinatown
Asakusa Kannon Buddhist Temple
3nd day:
We had buffet breakfast at hotel at 7am. The waiters were all so polite. One waiter even agree to help us to refill water into our own water bottles. We left hotel at 8am to disneyland and there was still so many people. Disneyland is very very big. There are lots of disney characters eg. winnie the pooh, mickey mouse, donald duck etc. There were lots of people queueing up just to take pictures with disney characters. . My first impression is foods and things in disneyland are very expensive. We had maple swirl which is about SGD2.70 each & i later bought a spicy chicken wrap sandwich at SGD5.50 when waiting to watch parade. Toilets are very clean n there are even plastic toilet seat covers which can be flushed down after used. We left disneyland at 4.15pm back to our hotel. We reach hotel at 7pm and had our dinner. We also had sashimi which both of us do not eat raw so i put it in my soup to cook. The taste not bad. We returned to our hotel room at 8.15pm and rest.
4th day:
We headed to Iyashi no Sato Nenba after our breakfast. This was once the village with gorgeous thatched roofs and an ancient village of traditional artworks of old buildings in Japan. We then left for Mt Fuji after taking some pictues. It was extremly cold on Mt Fuji. We were lucky to take pictures of mt fuji covered with snow from other angle when we left. We had our lunch in tatami japanese style. The dishes were so so. We went to Owakudani Boiling Valley after an hour lunch. We did not go up to the shops selling black egg cos no time. We just loiter a while. I had wasabi ice-cream at 350yen & wasabi is very mild, still can be acceptable. We left at 4pm and reached Jusco for dinner. We were all given 1200yen to buy our own dinner. My sis and i chose to have our dinner at one japanese restaurant (luckily that stupid Richard was there to assist us in communicating with the waitress). I thought our dinner was great. The dishes were delicious. There was no service charge and no additional charge for rice refilled. We bought some puff from beard papa before we went back to hotel.
5th day:
We had buffet breakfast at 6.50am n left at 7.45am to Kyoto. After 4hrs 15mins, we finally reached Kyoto. We had only half hour lunch at one small restuarant at 12pm. We left for Heian Shrine at 12.30pm. The leaves all turn into red color at this period cos it was autumn. We left at 1.30pm. We reached Kiyomizu Temple at 2pm and left at 2.45pm. We went for a 15mins kimono show at Nishijin Textile Center. We took a bullet train at 4.45pm and reached osaka in abt 15mins time (one stop only). We reached Shinsaibashi Botonbori at 6.15pm. There are lots ofstores and also full of people. My sis n i Q up at a 章鱼烧 store and we waited until 7.30pm before we had our order. We supposed to gather with other group members at 7.30pm and both is us ran like mad people to reach the gathered place which is about 10mins away. Luckily the tour leader was still behind us n the tour bus was not there yet. The was kind of gd n very crispy. We reached a chinese restuarant at 8.15pm and reach hotel at abt 9.10pm.
We had buffet breakfast at 6.50am n left at 7.45am to Kyoto. After 4hrs 15mins, we finally reached Kyoto. We had only half hour lunch at one small restuarant at 12pm. We left for Heian Shrine at 12.30pm. The leaves all turn into red color at this period cos it was autumn. We left at 1.30pm. We reached Kiyomizu Temple at 2pm and left at 2.45pm. We went for a 15mins kimono show at Nishijin Textile Center. We took a bullet train at 4.45pm and reached osaka in abt 15mins time (one stop only). We reached Shinsaibashi Botonbori at 6.15pm. There are lots ofstores and also full of people. My sis n i Q up at a 章鱼烧 store and we waited until 7.30pm before we had our order. We supposed to gather with other group members at 7.30pm and both is us ran like mad people to reach the gathered place which is about 10mins away. Luckily the tour leader was still behind us n the tour bus was not there yet. The was kind of gd n very crispy. We reached a chinese restuarant at 8.15pm and reach hotel at abt 9.10pm.

6th day:
Left hotel at 8am and reached Osaka castle at 8.30am. We only had an hour to loiter and left there at 8.30am. We reached 'Black Gate' Seafood Market at 9.55am and would leave there at 10.30am. This market is like our wet market with provision shops, supermarkets. A lot of sashimi n fresh seafood can be seen. Blowfish, oyster, lobster etc. My sis n i bought our lunch there and brought to universal studio. We finally reach universal studio at 11am. It is much more smaller than disneyland. We went for Spideman Ride, Jaws Ride, Jurassic park ride, Hollywood dream ride. There was a show at waterworld and this is so amazing. Plane, bomb, fire involved.
We left at 6pm. We had buffet BBQ at 7.30pm. There was no oil provided n our food was like burnt. We left an hour later n reach hotel at 9pm.
7th day:
We walked to the airport at 8am cos it is only a 10mins walk from hotel as there is a linkway. We check in shortly n had to take a short train to row 40 for our plane. We do a very last min shopping at airport. It is 11.10am when plane to Spore flew. We had lunch on board. It was about 4.50pm when we reached Spore airport.

----Fallen Angel----